Magic Sword recently released this PowerShell tool, which identifies the presence and execution of various living-off-the-land binaries and scripts (LOLBAS).
Watch Atomic Red Team maintainers Mike Haag and Jose Hernandez demo the tool during an episode of Atomics on a Friday
Trigger an authenticated RPC call to a target server with no sign flag set
Enumerate all network shares with SharpShares
Haag needs your help
Atomic Red Team co-creator and longtime maintainer Mike Haag created two new suites of atomic tests on his personal repo--and he could use your help adding them to Atomic Red Team.
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Hidden scheduled tasks
Inspired by research from Binary Defense, Haag created this suite of tests for various techniques adversaries use to hide scheduled tasks on Windows.
Forest Blizzard exploiting CVE-2022-38028
This collection of tests validates detection for various techniques used by the Russian threat actor Forest Blizzard to elevate privileges and steal credentials.
Cyber Distance’s ATT&CK View and relational data model now include atomic tests to help you ensure threat intelligence and emulation plans are robust and effective.
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