By This Author
ATT&CK® Deep Dive: Rootkits
Webinars| MITRE ATT&CK
ATT&CK® Deep Dive: Rootkits Connecting Kinsing malware to Citrix and SaltStack campaigns Connecting Kinsing malware to Citrix and SaltStack campaigns
July 22, 2020
Threat detection Keeping tabs on Blue Mockingbird Keeping tabs on Blue Mockingbird
June 17, 2020
Threat detection Introducing Blue Mockingbird Introducing Blue Mockingbird
May 7, 2020
Threat intelligence Lateral Movement with Secure Shell (SSH) Lateral Movement with Secure Shell (SSH)
April 28, 2020
Threat detection Trapping the Netwire RAT on Linux Trapping the Netwire RAT on Linux
January 29, 2020
Linux security Context matters: harnessing creativity to triage security alerts Context matters: harnessing creativity to triage security alerts
December 11, 2019
Threat detection Detection Déjà Vu: a tale of two incident response engagements Detection Déjà Vu: a tale of two incident response engagements
December 4, 2019
Stories from the field