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Email Hiding Rules

Adversaries employ email hiding rules in order to cover their tracks and avoid alerting victims to their activity.


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Email Hiding Rules

Adversaries employ email hiding rules in order to cover their tracks and avoid alerting victims to their activity.


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Why do adversaries abuse email hiding rules?

When an adversary compromises an email inbox and uses it to send or intercept emails, they often cover their tracks by moving, hiding, or otherwise deleting suspicious email messages, thereby concealing them from their victim. Rather than manually deleting sent emails, which runs the risk of neglecting to cover some of their tracks, an adversary may utilize the native automation offered by Outlook inbox rules to hide their activity so as not to alert the victim of their actions.

How do adversaries abuse email hiding rules?

The difference between the Email Hiding Rule ATT&CK technique and its sibling Email Forwarding Rule lies in how they handle incoming messages and their intended purposes. In short, an email hiding rule affects the visibility and organization of emails in the same mailbox, while an email forwarding rule sends emails to another mailbox entirely.

The mechanism by which an adversary uses Outlook inbox rules to cover their tracks is identical to the mechanism for creating a forwarding rule but the configuration will differ slightly. An adversary may set one or more of the following inbox rule properties that would distinguish it specifically as a potential hiding rule:

  • The DeleteMessage property is set to True. Setting this option sends the target message to the Deleted Items folder, resulting in the victim being unlikely to see messages that an adversary wants to hide as they are unlikely to closely inspect the contents of their deleted email folder.
  • The MarkAsRead property is set to True. This will mark the target message as read, which benefits an adversary by not incrementing the unread email count for messages they want hidden from the victim.
  • The MoveToFolder property is set to any one of the following built-in Exchange folders. These folders are less likely to be inspected by the victim:
    • Archive
    • Conversation History (frequently abused by adversaries)
    • Deleted Items
    • Junk Email
    • RSS Feeds (frequently abused by adversaries)
    • RSS Subscriptions (frequently abused by adversaries)
  • When the message subject or email body contains words related to phishing or a security incident—e.g., “phishing,” “hack,” “spam,” etc. Adversaries most often specify terms like these using the SubjectOrBodyContainsWords property.
How adversaries abuse email rules

An email hiding rule affects the visibility and organization of emails in the same mailbox, while an email forwarding rule sends emails to another mailbox entirely.

Take action

An Exchange Online administrator can globally disable inbox rule creation via the Outlook web UI by running the following PowerShell cmdlet:

Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -Identity OwaMailboxPolicy-Default -RulesEnabled $False

Now, when a user attempts to create an inbox rule, they will be prevented from doing so, as seen in the image below. Note that this only disables rule creation via the web UI. It does not disable rule creation via PowerShell cmdlets. Be sure to still audit inbox rule creation and apply additional scrutiny to any rule creation.

Screenshot of rule creation in Outlook


Application Log

For most organizations, MITRE Data Source DS0015: Application Log will provide the visibility necessary to detect suspicious email forwarding rules. The details of what activity is visible may differ between platforms such as Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365 (on and off premise), but login activity and email rule creation are both actions that should be logged by whichever email application your organization uses.

For Office 365, this would include the Unified Audit Log (UAL). If you’re running an on-premise Exchange server, it’s a little less straightforward, but you can likely collect relevant logs from a combination of Mailbox Audit Logging and Exchange Admin center, and you can hunt for email rules using PowerShell cmdlets and by monitoring other log sources.

For Google Workspace users, the Security Investigation Tool will be your starting point and suspicious email rules can be observed by obtaining user Gmail settings through the Gmail API.


The following is a sample raw UAL New-InboxRule operation event:

 "AppAccessContext": {
   "AADSessionId": "eabaadb1-aa03-4af7-953f-54c535ac3ae9",
   "IssuedAtTime": "2024-12-16T21:17:03",
   "UniqueTokenId": "eCTQGv3TEUqoAMRpXqGWeQ"
 "CreationTime": "2024-12-16T21:23:44",
 "Id": "05ecde39-e0c1-4033-b0be-c6ecd890ecf8",
 "Operation": "New-InboxRule",
 "OrganizationId": "27ba49f0-e3fb-4697-847c-4607fc845d30",
 "RecordType": 1,
 "ResultStatus": "True",
 "UserKey": "",
 "UserType": 2,
 "Version": 1,
 "Workload": "Exchange",
 "ClientIP": "",
 "ObjectId": "VictimUser\\...",
 "UserId": "",
 "AppId": "fb78d390-0c51-40cd-8e17-fdbfab77341b",
 "AppPoolName": "MSExchangeAdminApiNetCore",
 "ClientAppId": "",
 "CorrelationID": "",
 "ExternalAccess": false,
 "OrganizationName": "",
 "OriginatingServer": "SJ0P220MB0558 (15.20.8251.004)",
 "Parameters": [
     "Name": "MarkAsRead",
     "Value": "True"
     "Name": "Name",
     "Value": "..."
     "Name": "Mailbox",
     "Value": ""
     "Name": "MoveToFolder",
     "Value": ":\\Conversation History"
 "RequestId": "a0959e54-79ae-4711-91ec-b23a5cfae265",
 "SessionId": "eabaadb1-aa03-4af7-953f-54c535ac3ae9"

This event could be summarized as follows:

“At 2024-12-16T21:23:44, within Entra ID tenant ID 27ba49f0-e3fb-4697-847c-4607fc845d30, the user created a inbox rule named ... for their own mailbox using the Microsoft Exchange REST API Based Powershell (ID: fb78d390-0c51-40cd-8e17-fdbfab77341b) app from IP address The inbox rule marks all incoming messages as read and moves them to the built-in Conversation History folder.”

In the above event, the fields are of particular value:

  • AppAccessContext.UniqueTokenId – the unique token identifier for the logon session. This value can be used to correlate the UAL event to a non-interactive sign-in event in the AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs table via the UniqueTokenIdentifier field
  • CreationTime – the datetime that the event occurred
  • Operation – indicates that a new inbox rule was created
  • OrganizationId – the Entra tenant ID within which the event occurred
  • UserKey – the identity that created the inbox rule
  • AppId – the application ID of the service principal that created the inbox rule on behalf of the user
  • Parameters – the inbox rule parameters
  • Mailbox – the mailbox that the rule was created for. This will match UserKey if the user created the inbox rule for their own mailbox. These fields will not match if the user created an inbox rule for another mailbox
  • SessionId – a unique identifier that correlates activity from the same logon session. This field allows a defender to build out a contextual timeline of events that the actor performed

Detection opportunities

Start by ensuring that New-InboxRule events are collected. Other inbox rule events exist (Set-InboxRule, Remove-InboxRule, Disable-InboxRule, UpdateInboxRules, Set-Mailbox) but they are less likely to be used by adversaries for establishing hiding rules.

Assuming you expect legitimate inbox rule creation in your environment, collecting New-InboxRule events is insufficient to discern legitimate from suspicious events. A detection strategy would begin by focusing on any of the following event properties being set as described above:

Additional scrutiny can be applied to new inbox rules by considering:

  1. If the rule name contains only special characters or only a few non-sensical characters, e.g. @, ;, ..., k, zzx, etc.
  2. If the rule originated from a suspicious IP address, e.g., from a VPN, unexpected geographic region, or Tor exit node.
  3. The AppId used deviates from expected usage. In order of highest frequency to least, we often see the following AppIds used with inbox rule creation:
Application IDResolved app name
5d661950-3475-41cd-a2c3-d671a3162bc1Microsoft Outlook
00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000Office 365 Exchange Online
d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01cMicrosoft Office
9199bf20-a13f-4107-85dc-02114787ef48One Outlook Web (aka OWA)
fb78d390-0c51-40cd-8e17-fdbfab77341bMicrosoft Exchange REST API-based Powershell


View the atomic test for T1564.008: Email Hiding Rules.

The following example shows how to use the ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module to create a suspicious email hiding rule:

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName ''

New-InboxRule -Mailbox '' -Name '...' -MarkAsRead $true -MoveToFolder ':\Conversation History'

# Cleanup
Remove-InboxRule -Mailbox '' -Identity '...' -Confirm:$False

This test will create an inbox rule named ... that marks all messages as read and moves them to the built-in Conversation History folder.

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