We are pleased to present Red Canary’s 2025 Threat Detection Report.
The Threat Detection Report sets itself apart from other annual reports with its unique data and insights derived from a combination of expansive detection coverage, diverse technological partnerships, and expert-led investigation and confirmation of threats. The data that powers Red Canary and this report are not mere software signals—this data set is the result of hundreds of thousands of investigations across millions of protected systems and identities.
Each of the nearly 93,000 threats that we responded to have one thing in common: They weren’t prevented by our customers’ expansive security controls. This research is the result of a breadth and depth of analytics and analysis that we use to detect the threats that would otherwise go undetected.
Red Canary ingested 308 petabytes of security telemetry from our 1,400 customers’ endpoints, identities, clouds, and SaaS applications in 2024. Our detection engine generated 30 million investigative leads that our platform pared down to nearly 93,000 confirmed threats, 25,000 of which were high severity threats that might’ve represented a significant risk to our customers if we hadn’t detected them. Every one of these was scrutinized and enriched by professional detection engineers, intelligence analysts, researchers, threat hunters, and an ever-expanding suite of bespoke generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools.
The Threat Detection Report synthesizes the critical information we communicate to customers whenever we detect a threat, the research and detection engineering that underlies those detections, the intelligence we glean from analyzing them, and the expertise we deploy to help our customers respond to and mitigate the threats we detect.
We map our custom detection analytics and the other security signals we use to detect threats to corresponding MITRE ATT&CK® techniques whenever possible. If the analytic or alert uncovers a realized or confirmed threat, we construct a timeline that includes detailed information about the activity we observed, including extensive information about techniques an adversary leveraged. We track this data over time to determine technique prevalence, correlation, and much more.
This report also examines the threats that leverage these techniques and other tradecraft intending to harm organizations. While Red Canary broadly defines a threat as any suspicious or malicious activity that represents a risk to you or your organization, we also track specific threats by programmatically or manually associating malicious and suspicious actions with clusters of activity, specific malware variants, legitimate tools being abused, and known threat actors. We track and analyze these threats continually throughout the year, publishing Intelligence Insights, bulletins, and profiles, considering not just prevalence of a given threat, but also aspects such as velocity, impact, or the relative difficulty of mitigating or defending against. The Threats section of this report highlights our analysis of common or impactful threats, which we rank by the number of customers they affect.
Consistent with past years, we exclude unwanted software and confirmed testing from the data we use to compile this report.
Red Canary optimizes heavily for detecting and responding rapidly to early-stage adversary activity. As a result, the techniques that rank skew heavily between the initial access stage of an intrusion and any rapid execution, privilege escalation, lateral movement, and defense evasion. This will be in contrast to incident response providers, for example, whose visibility tends towards the middle and later stages of an intrusion, or a full-on breach. We often detect and action threats early, shielding organizations from the wide array of risks associated with breaches and incidents. As such, one of the great benefits of this report is that it acts as a playbook that organizations can follow to develop the ability to detect threats early and often, before adversaries are able to accomplish their objectives and cause harm.
Knowing the limitations of any methodology is important as you determine what threats your team should focus on. While we hope our list of top threats and detection opportunities helps you and your team prioritize, we recommend building your own threat model by comparing the top threats we share in our report with what other teams publish and what you observe in your own environment.
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